Am very sure that this is not the life I have been dreaming of. But I am still new in this working society n everyone has been treating me well. Even though there are pebbles along the way and people not favoring you, but it's fine. What is life without some hardship? I just need to put up with this for a couple more years, and hopefully find an interest which can be turned into a freelance. Life shud be better this way. It will be more meaningful. Please, make this work. I can't hold it any longer.
Round Glass Dining Table Set
4 years ago
Successful people tend to be BIGGER than their problems whereas mediocre people tend to be SMALLER than their problems.
Imagine that you have a level-5 problem and you are a person with level-3 capabilities. To you, it would be a relatively big problem, wouldn’t it? It would cause you stress and unhappiness. However, if you grew yourself to become a level-8 person (with more knowledge and skills), the same problem will seem relatively small. If you grew yourself to become a level-12 person, it may not seem like a problem anymore.
So, the key to becoming more and more successful is NOT to AVOID PROBLEMS. The key to success is to KEEP GROWING YOURSELF to become BIGGER than your problems, and to become bigger than any problem
Thanks for stopping by and appreciate your words of wisdom. To go further in life, we do have to dream bigger.
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