Have you ever thought that a normal day with the same old routine could turn out to be a little different one day? Take for example, you walk out of your apartment, walk towards the bus stop, wait for the bus to arrive, board the bus when it arrives, get off the bus when you reach your work place, before going into your work place, you stop by a little cafe to grab your breakfast (something which you do every time without fail), then head over to your office because your watch tells you that it's going to be 9 am in 5 minutes and you will be late for work if you stay a second longer at that little cafe (Phew, that was long.) And the list goes on and on until you finally go to bed, shut your eyes and hope to dream of something good.
You turned towards the voice, and noticed that he was the person right in front of you in line who got the last turkey and ham sandwich. And that guy did not even get your approval, he just went ahead and ordered another chicken sandwich. At that moment, all you could do was to just smile broadly. Not even sure, if you were smiling because you finally got that turkey and ham sandwich which you had been craving, or that you were thankful for that act of kindness. Or perhaps, you were flattered that a good looking guy just gave up the sandwich of his choice because you couldn't think of something else to eat. And after 30 seconds of making a fool out of yourself, only then you managed to say "Thank you. That was very kind of you, but you didn't have to."
"Well, I was contemplating if I should get chicken or turkey and ham. And you came at the right time, you helped me decide. Maybe, it's fated that I should eat chicken sandwich today."
And you smiled again. "Anyway, still, thank you." And you unconsciously extended your hand and said "Rachel."
"Shane. Pleasure meeting you." And you shook hands with that person who was in front of you in line who got the last turkey and ham sandwich. But then he gave it up for you.
Well, that, was what I meant by, a same old routine could get a little different one day. Or it could probably mean a start of something new? Who knows? The outline could be slightly boring, but the details are what that spices things up.
"Hello, stranger."
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