Monday, May 2, 2011

Sometimes we find the easiest thing in the world is so hard to do

3 papers this semester, this very last semester. And out of the 3, Petroleum seemed to be the easiest to score. And Plant the hardest. Somehow or rather, I think Petroleum would be the hardest for me. It's all about memorizing and my memory capacity is so limited. I think my brain had somewhat corroded and my brain cells are depleting. Worst of all, after doing big charts and mid maps of the general informations for each chapter, I read carefully the pass years papers and realised that, Dr. Leong loves to ask on the in between lines information. And he seldom ask bout the main production, but by productions or intermediates. My heart just skipped a bit and I felt a thousand knives had pierced through my tranquility and confidence.

And I just had one question and 1 question only, would I be able to attend my convocation in August? All I know is that I don't want to fail after all the blood and tears that I've shed for the whole 5 years of youth. I chose the wrong route I know, but my life doesn't end there. Knowing that I will have wider options in career graduating from an engineering course, I'm sure I can find a different life somewhere, and somehow. If Petroleum let me down this time, the visions I once had would be thorn and shattered. I know I'm not good enough, I'm just asking to be sufficient.

Idon'tknowwhati'mtalkingabout. BYE.


juney said...

Take baby steps. its all about luck the memorising part. i think most prolly you ll definitely get to answer 50 percent of the questions from what you memorised.the oil rig production profile definitions blabla.

the other 50 is all the stupid reactions and whatnots. hate that the most. all the best!

we'll be graduating together in august! together at the back of the class. but still we done it :D

lilimingi said...

haizzz.. baby steps.. they are hard too.. i hope he will follow the pass year trends.. 2 Q on oil rig and 3 Q on stupid chapters. if he don't I'm gonna die.. u noe him banyak pattern.

juney said...

i memo acc to pass year first. but yeah he always banyak pattern. but usually he only talks big to trick us. ffffffffff

lilimingi said...

haizz.. quite worry oso.. how could easy subject turn out to be this killing??

juney said...

tell me about it.

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